Photography with art models – a day modelling

This episode is about photography and in particular about art model photograph, thanks to the work of Alexandre Jeanson who is a photographer, a hairdresser and a visual artist. He creates the models’ style, hair, makeup and then we organize a photo shoot in a very academic style, dissecting the movements little by little to create a catalogue of images in order for me to have good references to paint the models afterwards.

It’s a lot of preparation, you have to count approximately a half day, a day for each model and we take about 1 000 photos for each model.

The search for a model is very diverse, it can be interesting to work with dancers because they are familiar with gestures, with their body and have the ability to create characters. But it is also enjoyable to work with amateur models, who are not familiar with modelling to get that more authentic feel.

Special thanks to : Alexandre Jeanson, Annaëlle and Lola.